• Dental Exams

    Routine dental exams are essential for preventative care and to ensure long-term teeth and gum health. Dental exams are recommended every six months and generally covered by most insurances.

  • Teeth Cleaning

    As with routine dental exams, dental cleanings are essential to keep your teeth and gums in optimal condition. Plague and tartar deposits inevitably build up in our mouths that are not effectively removed by traditional brushing; thus, professional dental cleaning is recommended every six months with your regular dental exam.

  • Dental Fillings

    At times, plaque produces acid that breaks down our teeth, and if the decay is caught early, we could remove the decay, and restore the tooth with fillings. Composite fillings are commonly used to maintain a natural smile.

  • Dental Crowns

    Crowns are essential when teeth have extensive damage or decay. Crowns can restore a tooth to its original size, form, and function. They are used for larger procedures such as a root canals to prevent further damage to a tooth that became vulnerable. The procedure of placing a crown is simple and if handled with care can last several years.

  • Dental Implants

    Dental implants are another excellent restorative solution for missing teeth. An artificial root made of titanium is placed in the gum and then covered by a crown, bridge, or denture. When a tooth is missing, the bone adjacent to the tooth begins to shrink which results in other teeth shifting and can affect the shape of your jaw. When the implant is placed, the surrounding bone grows on the implant making it stronger and preventing distortion of the bone.

  • Teeth Whitening

    Teeth begin to lose their color and shine for various reasons. Many common causes include drinking dark liquids, tobacco use, poor oral health, and age. Professional dental whitening ensures long-term and safe options to restore discolored teeth to create bigger and brighter smiles.

  • Porcelain Veneers

    With development of advanced techniques, porcelain veneers are a beautiful way to whiten and straighten your teeth quickly and naturally improve a smile.

  • Orthodontics and Clear Aligners

    Clear aligners is one of many orthodontic treatment options to perfect your smile through straightening or closing gaps with a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners to use over time.

  • And More.